After exchanging a few emails, the Shelter team decided it was worth hearing us out in person. We drove from Philadelphia, PA to Woolwich, Maine, and met with Pat, Blueberry, and Gaius early the following morning to present them our idea. While they expressed excitement about the possibilities an online course would provide for them, they were hesitant to jump right in. Their biggest concern was to maintain the integrity of the Shelter brand, built over the last several decades, and they wanted time to think things over. We drove ten hours back home with little idea of whether or not they would go for it. (We later realized we spent more time in the car than we did actually in Maine.) A few weeks later, though, they called us to say they were on board.
The first part of our process with the team at Shelter was to produce a few smaller, informational-based videos so they could experience what it was like to work with us. They quickly published those proof-of-concept videos to gauge how their audience responded to the new type of content & to the idea of a video-based online course. These videos ended up receiving excellent feedback from their audience and beyond (in fact, one of those first videos we made now has over 1.2 million views).
Finally, after a lot of careful planning and preparation, we spent an entire week on the Shelter campus to film their Purely Post And Beam course from beginning to end. It was one of the most challenging yet rewarding shoots we've had so far. We ended up losing almost an entire production day because of heavy rains on the metal roof of the workshop we were filming in, ruining our audio. This put us behind schedule, so we had to rearrange our plans and split up into two teams to get the job done. Despite the odds, we had everything in the bag by the end of the week and we were ready to head home and edit!